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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Monkeys and Baboons on the Road

Dear Friends,

Please be aware that Ragunan Zoo's officer has recently announced that two of their animal collections have escaped from their cage. They are the monkeys and the baboons. The official said that these primates disguised themselves in a human-like mask, stole the zoo visitor's car and drove out of town using the tollway.

Even though there are very rare reports on monkey or baboon attack to human, nonetheless since they don't have enough brain and skill to drive a car, what they do is potentially dangerous to other human driving on the road, therefore we, the human, should not be near these primate on the road.

Fortunately, the zoo officials have released the identity and the characteristic of these primate so we can avoid them on the tollway.

Monkeys : They usually drives in a relatively hi-speed on the shoulder lane (which is reserved for emergency stops) and usually overtake humans from the left. Their tiny brain cannot understand why human drives on the other lanes while this shoulder lane is kept empty.

Baboons : They somehow have the opposite characteristic of a monkey. A baboon drives very slowly, but on the rightmost lane. I think the baboon thinks since the monkey drive very fast on the leftmost lane (we drive like in the UK) hence he should drive slow on the rightmost lane. A typical baboon stole a intercity bus (AKAP) or an old truck and drives very slow on the right without realising (well, if the baboon knows, he does not care either) that he blocks the traffic for more than 1km behind him.

I met a lot of monkeys and baboon on the Cipularang toll road on the way to Bandung this weekend. One of them, a she-monkey, stole a silver toyota vios, B plate. I was on KM 121 and the traffic was bad due to an accident on KM 125 ahead. While all humans que on the correct lane, this she i-think-i'm-cool monkey ignorantly drove on the shoulder lane thinking all humans are stupid for queuing. Then, when she saw that the shoulder lane ahead of her was blocked, she relax-ly made a quick turn into the right lane, cutting my path.

I honked the horn (well, how else do you communicate to a monkey?), but guess who was angrier? this she-monkey gave an angry look at me as if she was the queen of the road and everybody should always give way to her.

Oh I wish a can call the zoo keeper...

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